Sunday, August 24, 2008

Okay, here's the deal...

Listening to:
"The Words" by Psapp
[The Only Thing I Ever Wanted]

So this is definitely breaking point: "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em". Well, either way, it's high time lovestoned made it on the blogosphere. What exactly can you expect from this solo blog project? Well, as the title goes: be sure to expect music reviews, movie recommendations, gaming info, celebrity happenings and basically anything and everything about pop culture in itself! What can I say? It's the words that thrill me.

Perhaps a little justification is due: so maybe it probably is a little superfluous [absolutely absolutely fav word of the month, by the way] to dedicate blog space on something so vapid as...urgh, celebrities. Beg to differ, Confessions of an Entertainment Junkie isn't some gossip blog [no offence, Perez Hilton] but a blog that maintains objectivity. No celebrity, band or movie is safe from the eyes of lovestoned: she just calls it like she sees it. Besides, we offer a little something for everyone out there, so there'd always be something to tickle you pink!

Just a little reminder to all you lurkers out there: don't hesitate to just drop in a comment or two on things that catch your fancy, alright! Your say is important too. If you have a blog or a website, be sure to comment with your url in its respective place so we can show some love back to you. What goes around comes around, does it not?

So sit back, chill, have a martini [on the house] and stay tuned in with Confessions of an Entertainment Junkie where you can obtain your neat little fix whenever you want!

Rollin' on out!
♥ lovestoned


julialow said...

wheee! :)

LYNN this blog is pure awesomeness! hehehe you hopped on the blog-band wagon after all! hehe. ;)

looking forward to more posts oozing with pop culture goodness. sigh. love love love! :D

well done, and congrats!

love, julia.

frangipani princess said...

Awesomeness. Any blogging is good blogging, espesh blogging about Entertainment and pop-culture...

gg xx